Furballs and Yarnballs

Plant update 25/04/2011

Filed under: gardening — SelinaMakesIt @ 12:18

We have a fly/bug invasion outside which sadly hurt our strawberry plants. We bought yellow stickers and sand to help, so we will see if we can save them or need to throw them out. Here are two new plants we just got, one Cola-Plant and a red peppermint plant – both already protected by the sand and yellow sticker.

Cola plant and red peppermint plant - 25.04.2011

The peppermint seedlings are finally growing, though still really slow. Hope we will ever be able to have tea from them 🙂

Peppermint seedlings are finally picking up growing - 25.04.2011

From right to left, the lemon and orange seedlings, kiwi and pumpkin seedlings and then the Grünlilie.

Orange and lemon seedlings - 25.04.2011 Kiwi in front, pumpkin seedlings in the back - 25.04.2011 Gr�nlilie doing pretty well - 25.04.2011


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